Why subscribe?

I strongly believe that retails investors have an edge over institutional investors. Individual investors can beat the market by buying and holding great companies and ignoring volatility/short term noise. My philosophy is simple. Invest in great companies always. Individual investors can outperform the market.

I feel fortunate to have learned so much from the Motley Fool, Saul’s Discussion Board, Seeking Alpha and the Fintwit community on Twitter.

My goal with this Substack is to write about interesting stocks and trends. Like many growth-minded investors, I am a big believer in SAAS/cloud/tech stocks. I recently became interested in Web 3.0 and hope to dig more into this area.

Please note that I am not providing financial advice nor am I making formal recommendations for investments. Any information or analysis in this blog is not an offer to sell or buy any securities.

Feel free to connect:

Email: davidtstill@gmail.com

Twitter: @StillwaterDavid

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Big believer that the stock market can change your life. Worked for a number of top-performing companies including KKR and CBRE. Completed all 3 levels of CFA exam. Global experience including fluency in Mandarin, Chinese.